#SFDocFest is back June 2-16. We’re happy to be co-presenting a couple of films Los Punks; We Are All We Have & El Chivo. Visit SFindie.com for full fest details.
EL CHIVO– directed by Rod Murphy
2016, USA/Mexico ,78 min. West Coast Premier
Roxie Sun June 5, 915p; Mon June 6, 7p
Tickets: http://bit.ly/1XT2ZbS
When runner Will Harlan won Mexico’s infamous Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon, the indigenous Tarahumara dubbed him El Chivo (the goat). Since then, he’s changed his life and his family’s lifestyle acutely. While he prepares to return to the canyons to race again, El Chivo chronicles Harlan’s motivations to live deliberately, while illustrating the toll it takes on his body and family.
directed by. Angela Boatwright
2016, USA, 79 min. West Coast Premiere. LA Stories. Music Spotlight.
Roxie Theater, Sat June 11, 915p, Wed June 15, 915p
Tickets: http://bit.ly/24kTlie
Punk rock is thriving in the backyards of South Central and East Los Angeles, made up of a cobbled-together family of Hispanic teens and young adults in the mosh pit. It is all about the bands, fans, production, marketing, and security, interwoven in a sub-culture of thrash and noise. The sense of belonging is palpable; emotional bonds fostered among good families and those broken, poverty and wealth, adolescence and maturity, with the music emanating a magnetic chorus for all to sing together. A documentary that honestly and sincerely portrays this vibrant ‘DIY’ community.