Have You Seen Her, La Mision?
“Have You Seen Her, La Mision?” is a retrospective shorts program which showcases the varied responses to the transformations experienced in the Mission District during 90s. This program was curated by Sergio de la Mora and Vero Majano and was a part of the 2018 San Francisco Latino Film Festival.
July 10-16, 2020- Online Viewing-. BUY TICKETS
A live virtual Q&A with curators and filmmakers will take place on July 15 at 6pm.
- Ni aquí, ni allá (Neither Here, Nor There), Nora Cadena, director and producer, 1998, 20 minutes, documentary.
This documentary features street vendors in the Mission District and focuses on Latin American immigrants that are in limbo, or purgatory as one of the film’s subjects puts it. Feeling unwanted in their new country and alienated from their homelands, they exist emotionally in a liminal space yet thrive, doing their best to live a better life.
- Algún día (Someday), Pepe Urquijo, dir., 1998, 27 minutes, narrative.
Making use of melodrama and neo-realist techniques, Algún día traces the struggle of Latin/o American immigrants in the Mission District during the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 campaign, focusing on the experiences of the González family. Together they try to overcome the racism and xenophobia fomented by the politics of then governor of California Pete Wilson.
- Calle Chula, Vero Majano, director and producer, 1998, 12 minutes, experimental.
Calle Chula is the personification of a street that borders the Mission Dolores cemetery. She is a teenage Salvadoran/Ohlone trying to make sense of the changes brought on by colonization, dislocation, and gentrification of the Mission district. Tracing the history of the Mission from its first residents, the Ohlone Indians, Calle Chula explores the waves of re-colonization and its effects on memory and memory loss.
- I Reminisce, Vero Majano, director and producer, 2004, 3 minutes, experimental.
Looping archival footage from 1961 and the early 1980s, take a slow cruise down Mission Street to the rhythm of a golden oldie. Catch a glimpse of different times, places and people.
- That Mission Rising!, Alfred Hernandez, director and producer, 1998, 8 minutes, experimental.
Shot in black and white, Super 8mm in San Francisco and Sequoia National Park, That Mission Rising! explores the effects of colonialist/industrialist mentality on the natural Californian landscape and psyche.
- New Mission, Armand Emamdjomeh, director and producer, 5 minutes, documentary.
New Mission documents daily life in the Mission District on black-and-white film over the span of two years between 2008-2010. The film is set to the poem “In Twenty Years,” written and read by Marcella Ortiz.
Presented by RoxCine. Co-presented by Cine+Mas SF